Mystisk virus i Danmark.
Don´t do anything about it ? yes
Is it the coronavirus they suspect ? yes
Do something about it ? yes
How can it be cured ? yes
With a medicin ? yes
Do I know it´s name ? no
Is it an Aids medicin ? yes
Find it on the alphabet ? yes
Mystiskt virus i Danmark = Coronaviruset, cure with Aids medicin: Nanon.....
Thats all they need to know ? yes
And send to yes
How does the coronavirus spread ? yes
In the air, while talking for example ? no
sex ? yes with the blood and semen only ? yes
With mosquitos ? no
Did doctor Pehr Olov Pehrsson , on the Infection clinic at Huddinge sjukhus Stockholm,
find the Aids medicin nano... yet ? yes
And he forwarded the information to the patients who had been in Quatar via A B ? no
I have to write to Aftonbladet that he found it ? yes
He has cured 11 patients from Aids with the heat treatement found elsewhere on this blog.
before 2012 09 28
By touching something else like fruits ?no
niedziela, 30 września 2012
Meningitis cures it: Oliziqi
smittsam hjärnhinneinflammation
Oliziqi ska vara mycket bättre medicin än vad som använts hittills, är den känd bland läkare yes.
should be a much better medicin than what has been used before. It is known by doctors. ...should be a better medicin than what has been used before.
Den kvinna som hade Karposis sarkom och var med på TV har blivit tydligt bättre och kommer att vara helt frisk om en månad = < 1 nov 2012
medicin som jag testat fram på alfabetet var Xachdioiopohab.
The woman who had Karposis sarkoma and was on TV, is soon well, will be comletely well 1 Nov 2012. She was not quite well ? No I think the skin just has to grow back to normal. yes
Medicine could have been discontinued, but they want to play it safe.yes
The medicin I tested out on the alphabet was Xachdioiopohab.
smittsam hjärnhinneinflammation
Oliziqi ska vara mycket bättre medicin än vad som använts hittills, är den känd bland läkare yes.
should be a much better medicin than what has been used before. It is known by doctors. ...should be a better medicin than what has been used before.
Den kvinna som hade Karposis sarkom och var med på TV har blivit tydligt bättre och kommer att vara helt frisk om en månad = < 1 nov 2012
medicin som jag testat fram på alfabetet var Xachdioiopohab.
The woman who had Karposis sarkoma and was on TV, is soon well, will be comletely well 1 Nov 2012. She was not quite well ? No I think the skin just has to grow back to normal. yes
Medicine could have been discontinued, but they want to play it safe.yes
The medicin I tested out on the alphabet was Xachdioiopohab.
Oskar AT läkare på reumatologen i Malmö.
The big skin problem can be solved ?yes Hittar det inte igen men det var en hisklig bild och video på hennes rygg,i Aftonbladet, varit på TV
With a medicin ? yes
Will the doctors find it ?no
It is nutritional or lack of vitamins ? no
It s an infection ? no It won´t spread to anyone ?no
It can cause tiredness or internal illness ? yes
But we will solve it in time ? yes
Find the medicin on the Alfabet ? (Cosmic testing, still ) yes
Xachdioiopohab more ? no
The doctors in Malmö can find this in their books ? yes
Sen skickar jag det till A B och märker att dom börjar leta.
Nån man tänker på kvällen till mig "gammal kvackare" tyst med dig svarar jag då,
Sen tar en kvinna över letandet och hittar det namnet.
Men den finns inte i Sverige, i New York ska den finnas.
meddela mig om det blir ...
Send to Swedish Government ?no
If the person has got any better ? half true
It will still take a little time, and she will get better ?yes
What she has is a very serious illness called Karposis sarkoma,yes, and I didn´t know any medicin exist to cure it.
She would not get well by herself ?no
It was a deadly illnes ?yes
The last days of September 2012 I testing she has got clearly better an will be completely cured within one month time.
The big skin problem can be solved ?yes Hittar det inte igen men det var en hisklig bild och video på hennes rygg,i Aftonbladet, varit på TV
With a medicin ? yes
Will the doctors find it ?no
It is nutritional or lack of vitamins ? no
It s an infection ? no It won´t spread to anyone ?no
It can cause tiredness or internal illness ? yes
But we will solve it in time ? yes
Find the medicin on the Alfabet ? (Cosmic testing, still ) yes
Xachdioiopohab more ? no
The doctors in Malmö can find this in their books ? yes
Sen skickar jag det till A B och märker att dom börjar leta.
Nån man tänker på kvällen till mig "gammal kvackare" tyst med dig svarar jag då,
Sen tar en kvinna över letandet och hittar det namnet.
Men den finns inte i Sverige, i New York ska den finnas.
meddela mig om det blir ...
Send to Swedish Government ?no
If the person has got any better ? half true
It will still take a little time, and she will get better ?yes
What she has is a very serious illness called Karposis sarkoma,yes, and I didn´t know any medicin exist to cure it.
She would not get well by herself ?no
It was a deadly illnes ?yes
The last days of September 2012 I testing she has got clearly better an will be completely cured within one month time.
virus bas kongo
Cure: AZT If the lower priced Qrabbs can cure it also ? yes
En livsfarlig korsning mellan rabies och ebola.
Det har forskare upptäckt i Kongo-Kinshasa.
På torsdagen gick de ut med en varning.
– Dödsförloppet är väldigt snabbt, säger Joseph Fair, en av forskarna.
Viruset har varit helt okänt för forskarvärlden. Men i går publicerades den nya upptäckten i den vetenskapliga tidskriften PLOS Pathogens.
Fick blödningar
Upptäckten gjordes efter att forskarna intresserat sig för två mystiska dödsfall i sydvästra Kongo-Kinshasa 2009, uppger
NBC News.
Sjukdomen drabbade en 15-årig pojke och en 13-årig flicka som bodde i samma by. Ungdomarna drog på sig de vanliga symptomen för ebola: kraftiga blödningar från näsa, mun och andra kroppsöppningar.
Joseph Fair, vid företaget Metabiota har undersökt viruset säger att ungdomarna inte hade en chans.
– De dog inom tre dagar, dödsförloppet är väldigt snabbt, säger han till NBC.
Sköterska smittades
Några dagar efter dödsfallen upptäckte sjukvården att den sköterska som tagit hand om ungdomarna led av liknande symptom. Men mannen klarade sig.
Nu har prover från sjuksköterskan gett svar på vad som dödade de två ungdomarna.
– Vi förvånades över att den här patienten hade spår i sitt blod från ett helt okänt och oidentifierat virus, säger Dr. Charles Chiu vid University of California som undersökte proverna.
Släkt med rabies
Viruset, som har fått namnet Bas-Congo, är besläktat med ebola och det virus som leder till blödarfebern lassafeber. Men virusets allra närmaste släkting är sjukdomen rabies, enligt NBC.
Enligt forskarna tyder mycket på att viruset sprids genom mänsklig kontakt. Men det finns också farhågor om att sjukdomen kan spridas via insekter.
– Det har troligen lurat ute i avlägsna områden och orsakat sporadiska utbrott av blödarfeber, säger Charles Chiu.
Efter fyndet av Bas-Congo arbetar forskarna nu för fullt med att hitta nya viruskloner.
– Jag misstänker att det finns ett flertal andra virus där ute som ännu inte har upptäckts, säger Joseph Fair till NPR.
If any medicin exist to improve survival of this illness.?yes Another Aids medicin ?yes Not Find on the alphabet ? yes
Virus bas kongo, medicin for it = another Aids medicin : AZT yes
To how much will it increase survival ? Over 50 % yes 75 yes more? yes 90% no
Found on the alphabet with pendulum testing. It is meditation, telephatic sensitivity, and cosmic server that counts. Train it !!!
virus bas kongo
Cure: AZT If the lower priced Qrabbs can cure it also ? yes
En livsfarlig korsning mellan rabies och ebola.
Det har forskare upptäckt i Kongo-Kinshasa.
På torsdagen gick de ut med en varning.
– Dödsförloppet är väldigt snabbt, säger Joseph Fair, en av forskarna.
Viruset har varit helt okänt för forskarvärlden. Men i går publicerades den nya upptäckten i den vetenskapliga tidskriften PLOS Pathogens.
Fick blödningar
Upptäckten gjordes efter att forskarna intresserat sig för två mystiska dödsfall i sydvästra Kongo-Kinshasa 2009, uppger
NBC News.
Sjukdomen drabbade en 15-årig pojke och en 13-årig flicka som bodde i samma by. Ungdomarna drog på sig de vanliga symptomen för ebola: kraftiga blödningar från näsa, mun och andra kroppsöppningar.
Joseph Fair, vid företaget Metabiota har undersökt viruset säger att ungdomarna inte hade en chans.
– De dog inom tre dagar, dödsförloppet är väldigt snabbt, säger han till NBC.
Sköterska smittades
Några dagar efter dödsfallen upptäckte sjukvården att den sköterska som tagit hand om ungdomarna led av liknande symptom. Men mannen klarade sig.
Nu har prover från sjuksköterskan gett svar på vad som dödade de två ungdomarna.
– Vi förvånades över att den här patienten hade spår i sitt blod från ett helt okänt och oidentifierat virus, säger Dr. Charles Chiu vid University of California som undersökte proverna.
Släkt med rabies
Viruset, som har fått namnet Bas-Congo, är besläktat med ebola och det virus som leder till blödarfebern lassafeber. Men virusets allra närmaste släkting är sjukdomen rabies, enligt NBC.
Enligt forskarna tyder mycket på att viruset sprids genom mänsklig kontakt. Men det finns också farhågor om att sjukdomen kan spridas via insekter.
– Det har troligen lurat ute i avlägsna områden och orsakat sporadiska utbrott av blödarfeber, säger Charles Chiu.
Efter fyndet av Bas-Congo arbetar forskarna nu för fullt med att hitta nya viruskloner.
– Jag misstänker att det finns ett flertal andra virus där ute som ännu inte har upptäckts, säger Joseph Fair till NPR.
If any medicin exist to improve survival of this illness.?yes Another Aids medicin ?yes Not Find on the alphabet ? yes
Virus bas kongo, medicin for it = another Aids medicin : AZT yes
To how much will it increase survival ? Over 50 % yes 75 yes more? yes 90% no
Found on the alphabet with pendulum testing. It is meditation, telephatic sensitivity, and cosmic server that counts. Train it !!!
niedziela, 16 września 2012
Tutankhamon died of murder ? no Reading in the news: Doctor revealed the secrets of Tutanchamon. And it was he had an inherited epilepsy.!!!!!!!!! Thats why several Faraoes died so young.!
But I test it like this. After I send it to some newspapers and got a telphatic answer from one, That´s why I believe in Sangopadra because it is in a history book.
What did he die from ?
Epilepsy ? no
Illness ? no
Accident ? no
Ritual ?Yes
It was better do die young ? Yes
To please the god or gods ?YES
The intestines will last better when they are mummified young, and one gets eternal life easier ? Their opinion ?yes They stay as young as when they died on" the other side." For ever.
Elephant illness
I saw a video about a little girl who´s face was growing like a hippopotamus, her bones were growing in a very wrong way.
Think it was called elephant bone disease. She was from Haiti I think. Finally she got to a doctor and was operated. She could then talk and walk around quite well, but the doctor said she wil have to be operated more times, the bones cannot be stopped to grow and overgrow again. So I start to test out what it was. I use a pendulum connected to the allknowing source, the one consciousness within everything, with a cosmic server.
here is the result :
If EBI can be helped with dietary change .? yes !
They say it is in the genes ? half true. What is it they (who have it) eat to much of ? yes
Calcium ? yes
What is hereditary is the use of calcium in the wrong way ? yes Any substance to put that right, and still take calcium as before ? No But I know silicium can replace calcium ? yes
And that is for these people with EBI ? (my abbreviation) yes
So just stop taking milk and take silicium as supplemant, or eat bambooshots everyday.
check other foods and stop calciumrich foods ? yes. Has essential fats any influence on the disease ? No But can be good and vitamins can be good anyway.
When big big elephant bone has appeared it has to be operated ? yes
But if treated in this way it will stop growing back again ?YES
send to Haiti ?gov. yes all gov.yes this is a rare disease but in each country there will be some ? yes Few hours after sending it I hear the words "Lord Jesus".
If the different kinds of elephant growth is lack of ability to handle calcium ? yes
Please understand that this is under testing but results will take several years so if you have another case you have to start testing it too,, probably with a doctor´s help.
Please understand that this is under testing but results will take several years so if you have another case you have to start testing it too,, probably with a doctor´s help.
If extraterrestials have been on earth.
They are from our solar system ? no
There are anumals in our solar system ? no (Other than on earth)
They can have come from a different time ?NO From a different solar system there has been visitors ? yes but if any has landed ? yes
And their bodies have been kept and died here ? yes and are still in america USA? ...................yes. Find them on the map ?yes Area 51 over Las Vegas ? no
I found some stories and videos some false, about this Area 51. Where all pictures of Aliens false ? no
The one at the table was false.yes
The not moving dark yellow brown face was true ? yes
Later I saw a film with the same face moving, but looks rather unnaturtal, to my surprise I still test it as real, and after a while I uderstand what´s wrong, it is dead.
Find them on the map ? yes
Eastern states ? yes Pennsylvania ? yes goto map. 40.120802,-74.373035
Here lives someone who knows all about it ?
A rather old man ? no a young family ? yes It has to do with the work of the man here ? yes
There is a laboratory or museum where the in 1940 ies Landed space alien is kept ? yes
It is not in this house ? no
I am feeling like another space alien to find him on the map, looking at the house from above.
Find a name on the sky, star, where the landed alien was coming from ? yes Andromeda Galaxy, star ?yes name on alphabet ?yes Fevhuji
That´s the alien name of the star ? yes It will be confirmed within 10 years, from them ? yes
Can they stay on earth in this climate ? yes And they will be friendly ? yes
Their hight. 1m yes 1,5m yes 2,0m no About like us ? no just above 1,5 m yes
Find out the planets name also ? yes Planets name = Nkebi
Size ? like earth ? more Bigger ? yes dia. 1,5 yes 1,6 no
And they have Oxygen atmosphere YES more than 20 % ? 30 % yes 40 %no 35 no 32no.
And they have green plants ? yes We can live there ? yes
But we will be a bit heavy ? yes twice as heavy no 1,5 no 1,2 yes 1,3no
If the food there is OK ? yes How many inhabitants ? 10 billion ? yes 20 b yes no much more ? no Planet must be made of very light stones and water ? yes
If there is peace ? yes And birds and a lot of other animals ? clockwise star.
Is this a postive belief ?no Clockwise star ? yes Means yes ? yes =truth, there is a science about it ? yes Clockwise ellipses is positive belief and anti clockwise ellipses is false, fraud. yes
Do they mostly use wheels for transportation on land ? no But they use some wheels for that ? no.
Do they need vehicles to move fast ?yes and they fly ?yes with wings ? yes Boats ? yes
More, More useful as roads than here ? yes But for space flights only they use anti gravitation ? yes And then the speed is almost unlimited, they are at once at the goal. yes
After I close the computer strikes me a thought with some thrill and inspiration.
And I test it out: Are there anyone from earth on Nkebi. And the answer is definetely strong and clear YES. And after testing 10 no 5 no 2 yes 3 yes 4 YES. 4 it is.
Do they want to come back here ? no
They feel very well and mix with them and are free and accepted and the climate and food is good ?.............Yes
Find out where they lived on earth, and their names ?Yes
The coordinates for one in Alberta Canada has been suggested and sent to UFO-Sweden.
These space aliens are friendly and is important we know that. Yes
The police should also know that.yes Maybe some countries there is a law they should not be killed.Yes
The location of their star : Fevhuji :
Take the 2 strongest light points outside the center, the strongest on the right side and the second strongest on the left, as base in a regular triangle, the base a little longer. Take the top as the top of a smaller triangle, less than half size, and upside down, leaning towards the left, and the right corner sticking up a bit more to the right. In the center of this is where Fevhuji should be.
NAMMAJAURE Muddus National Park east of Jokkmock.
Liz and Bo Berg observed the alien vehicle 1980.
There is any foreign vehicle in the lake ? more There is a vehicle and it´s crew also ? YES They are humans from earth ?No OK some extraterrestials have landed and died there ? yes And their vehicle and bodies can be found ? Yes Deep under the mud ? No Within 1m? yes A metal detector can find it ? Yes find the coordinates on the map ? Yes 66.796002,20.271449 Ammakråjaure. Send to Clas Svahn, is chairman for UFO Sverige. hight cm= 170yes 180 yes 185no 182no 181 YES and is 170 cm no 160yes 165yes 167no 166YES
Some more cosmic testing :
So it was the head of a crashed and dead space alien? YES But why do they have so big eyes ?
YES The eyes are really that big ? yes (not sunglasses)
They live in half darkness ? yes The atmosphere is cloudy ? NO
The star if far away ? yes
And the heat comes from the planets interior ? yes
Can the 4 humans there see anything at all ? yes They can walk around ? yes It is more than full moon light ? yes 3 times YES
So they see as well as we do here ? YES. And the temperature is very even ? yes 20 C ? y 25? y 30 C ? No 27 Yes 27 + - 1 yes At night 26 ? yes.
Start to test some translations.Words yes = pa No = - - (No answer, silence) That is why they have peace ? yes. Hello= A like in Apocalypse
Do the ET from Nkebi have the decimal sytem ? NO How many fingers do they have on one hand ?
4 yes more ?no Its like one thumb and 3 fingers ? no
It more like 2 against 2 ? yes Do they have 8 figures then including 0 ? yes And it´s a base of an octomal system ? yes If all the figures can be written as part of a digital figure 8 ( with straight lines) yes
Their normal IQ is ? Like me ? more than half true. Like me doing pendulum testing with a cosmic server ? YES And because of the time limit it can be about 80 ?no 110y 150y 170no 160yes.
But otherwie allmost all questions can be answered and the time is usually less than one minute per answer, the number of answeres limited to about 8. yes, no, half true, more, false, more than half, less than half, positive belief, good science.
Want to emphasise it´s a surprise for me to get answers like this, about aliens and the conditions on their very distant planet. But since I get distinct answeres they must sooner or later show up to be mostly true.
The earth is about 30 % land. How much is land on Nkebi ? 30%y 40%yes 45%no 42%no And they have a planet surface 2,25 of the earth, and land surface is 2,9 of the earth and the number of inhabitants is 20 billion. and we have ? 6,5 billion ?y 6,6 yes. and also they have more even climate, no cold areas, so the density of population is less than here.y The world population is 7,066 billion ? no. This "official figure" is wrong ?Yes Because all deaths are not reported ? yes
What is the travelling time from Nkebi to Earth and back to Nkebi ? in earth days ? 100 YES 200 no150 125 110no ABOUT 100 How long is an Nkebi day and night in earth hours ? more than 24 ? 36no 30 yes 32 no 30 h 20 min + - 1min yes. Can Hubble confirm that ? no Hubble can measure the oxygen content in the atmosphere on planets in other galaxies yes, can Hubble confirm or correct the 30 % figure I found here for Nkebi ? yes
Once they send me a picture and I have found the star . yes The star Fevhuji has several planets ? yes 7 yes 10 yes 20no 15no 12n0 11 yes. Nkebi is from Fevhuji no. 3yes Nkebi has any moon ? no The winds are maximum 3 m/sec no more ?no 2m/s yes The water temp is 27 so there is some lot of rain ? YES Rainforest ? yes At the coasts ? yes A wide belt of rainforest at the coast ?no In the higher areas coast or no coast, there is rainforest, mixed with agriculture ? yes If there are deserts ? no. How high are the highest trees in this windless place ? 100m yes 150myes 200 m no 170m no Are these trees from Nkebi originally ? yes Did they bring any plants from earth ? yes Cereals, corn ? yes Did they make circles in the fields sometimes ? yes To say we have been here,if you had been more safe and friendly we would have stayed for a cup of coffee/tea ? YES. But most circles are fake ? yes 30 % maybe extraterrestial ? yes Its for their food on the 50 day journey home ? yes. If they have hair on the head ? no And sex organs plug and hole style ? yes Did they ever interfere with the evolution of the species of plants on earth ?yes They have planted some here ?yes And brought animals ? no Or changed the human evolution from the apes no So their influence on lifeforms here is limited to bringing a few plants ? yes 5 yes 10no 7no 6no. Any big trees ? no Small flowers and useful herbs ? yes Any wellknown flowers in Sweden? no Any herbs used as health supplement now ? no
The vision of Rael was a vision ? no
But the ET had hair ? no It was just on the film reconstruction ? Yes And he makes some lot of conclusions and additions in his phantasy ?yes Just to have something entertaining to say ? yes He saw real E T s from Nkebi ? yes But it´s a good idea to make Embassies where they can land and be positively welcomed to earth ? yes
Even if they will always land some other places ? NO
They will use these places in the future to land, and we will learn a lot from them, including space travelling and clean energy ? YES Rael is 180 cm no 170 yes 175 yes 176yes 177no
If Nkebis are learning Am. English ? Yes
How many can speak it really ? almost 100.
Do they have one language only ? Yes
Which language will be the only on earth ? English ? Yes
So it´s more like this language is taking over ? Yes (rather than a mix of diff. languages)
And it´s good for peace on earth ? Yes
Transportation on Nkebi is by air and by boat ? yes
Nothing else ? no Is it very flat and has canals everywhere ? half +
In most cities it has canals ? yes
And no wheels for transporting anything ?no
Bikes ?no But the Nkebians has to carry a lot then ? yes
Do they have "horses" ? no Ponies? yes But their Word for it is different?no (!)
Is the wheel consciously avoided ? half + Forbidden ? yes.
Since long time ? yes Cause of accidents and noice ?yes
But in the agriculture it is used ?no
The agriculture is done by hand ? yes For their peace of mind ? yes
How high is the highest mountain ? 1000 m yes 2000no 1500no 1250no1100no 1050no 1020 no 1010 yes
If they use money ? No
They are from our solar system ? no
There are anumals in our solar system ? no (Other than on earth)
They can have come from a different time ?NO From a different solar system there has been visitors ? yes but if any has landed ? yes
And their bodies have been kept and died here ? yes and are still in america USA? ...................yes. Find them on the map ?yes Area 51 over Las Vegas ? no
I found some stories and videos some false, about this Area 51. Where all pictures of Aliens false ? no
The one at the table was false.yes
The not moving dark yellow brown face was true ? yes
Later I saw a film with the same face moving, but looks rather unnaturtal, to my surprise I still test it as real, and after a while I uderstand what´s wrong, it is dead.
Find them on the map ? yes
Eastern states ? yes Pennsylvania ? yes goto map. 40.120802,-74.373035
Here lives someone who knows all about it ?
A rather old man ? no a young family ? yes It has to do with the work of the man here ? yes
There is a laboratory or museum where the in 1940 ies Landed space alien is kept ? yes
It is not in this house ? no
I am feeling like another space alien to find him on the map, looking at the house from above.
Find a name on the sky, star, where the landed alien was coming from ? yes Andromeda Galaxy, star ?yes name on alphabet ?yes Fevhuji
That´s the alien name of the star ? yes It will be confirmed within 10 years, from them ? yes
Can they stay on earth in this climate ? yes And they will be friendly ? yes
Their hight. 1m yes 1,5m yes 2,0m no About like us ? no just above 1,5 m yes
Find out the planets name also ? yes Planets name = Nkebi
Size ? like earth ? more Bigger ? yes dia. 1,5 yes 1,6 no
And they have Oxygen atmosphere YES more than 20 % ? 30 % yes 40 %no 35 no 32no.
And they have green plants ? yes We can live there ? yes
But we will be a bit heavy ? yes twice as heavy no 1,5 no 1,2 yes 1,3no
If the food there is OK ? yes How many inhabitants ? 10 billion ? yes 20 b yes no much more ? no Planet must be made of very light stones and water ? yes
If there is peace ? yes And birds and a lot of other animals ? clockwise star.
Is this a postive belief ?no Clockwise star ? yes Means yes ? yes =truth, there is a science about it ? yes Clockwise ellipses is positive belief and anti clockwise ellipses is false, fraud. yes
Do they mostly use wheels for transportation on land ? no But they use some wheels for that ? no.
Do they need vehicles to move fast ?yes and they fly ?yes with wings ? yes Boats ? yes
More, More useful as roads than here ? yes But for space flights only they use anti gravitation ? yes And then the speed is almost unlimited, they are at once at the goal. yes
After I close the computer strikes me a thought with some thrill and inspiration.
And I test it out: Are there anyone from earth on Nkebi. And the answer is definetely strong and clear YES. And after testing 10 no 5 no 2 yes 3 yes 4 YES. 4 it is.
Do they want to come back here ? no
They feel very well and mix with them and are free and accepted and the climate and food is good ?.............Yes
Find out where they lived on earth, and their names ?Yes
The coordinates for one in Alberta Canada has been suggested and sent to UFO-Sweden.
These space aliens are friendly and is important we know that. Yes
The police should also know that.yes Maybe some countries there is a law they should not be killed.Yes
The location of their star : Fevhuji :
Take the 2 strongest light points outside the center, the strongest on the right side and the second strongest on the left, as base in a regular triangle, the base a little longer. Take the top as the top of a smaller triangle, less than half size, and upside down, leaning towards the left, and the right corner sticking up a bit more to the right. In the center of this is where Fevhuji should be.
NAMMAJAURE Muddus National Park east of Jokkmock.
Liz and Bo Berg observed the alien vehicle 1980.
There is any foreign vehicle in the lake ? more There is a vehicle and it´s crew also ? YES They are humans from earth ?No OK some extraterrestials have landed and died there ? yes And their vehicle and bodies can be found ? Yes Deep under the mud ? No Within 1m? yes A metal detector can find it ? Yes find the coordinates on the map ? Yes 66.796002,20.271449 Ammakråjaure. Send to Clas Svahn, is chairman for UFO Sverige. hight cm= 170yes 180 yes 185no 182no 181 YES and is 170 cm no 160yes 165yes 167no 166YES
Some more cosmic testing :
So it was the head of a crashed and dead space alien? YES But why do they have so big eyes ?
YES The eyes are really that big ? yes (not sunglasses)
They live in half darkness ? yes The atmosphere is cloudy ? NO
The star if far away ? yes
And the heat comes from the planets interior ? yes
Can the 4 humans there see anything at all ? yes They can walk around ? yes It is more than full moon light ? yes 3 times YES
So they see as well as we do here ? YES. And the temperature is very even ? yes 20 C ? y 25? y 30 C ? No 27 Yes 27 + - 1 yes At night 26 ? yes.
Start to test some translations.Words yes = pa No = - - (No answer, silence) That is why they have peace ? yes. Hello= A like in Apocalypse
Do the ET from Nkebi have the decimal sytem ? NO How many fingers do they have on one hand ?
4 yes more ?no Its like one thumb and 3 fingers ? no
It more like 2 against 2 ? yes Do they have 8 figures then including 0 ? yes And it´s a base of an octomal system ? yes If all the figures can be written as part of a digital figure 8 ( with straight lines) yes
Their normal IQ is ? Like me ? more than half true. Like me doing pendulum testing with a cosmic server ? YES And because of the time limit it can be about 80 ?no 110y 150y 170no 160yes.
But otherwie allmost all questions can be answered and the time is usually less than one minute per answer, the number of answeres limited to about 8. yes, no, half true, more, false, more than half, less than half, positive belief, good science.
Want to emphasise it´s a surprise for me to get answers like this, about aliens and the conditions on their very distant planet. But since I get distinct answeres they must sooner or later show up to be mostly true.
The earth is about 30 % land. How much is land on Nkebi ? 30%y 40%yes 45%no 42%no And they have a planet surface 2,25 of the earth, and land surface is 2,9 of the earth and the number of inhabitants is 20 billion. and we have ? 6,5 billion ?y 6,6 yes. and also they have more even climate, no cold areas, so the density of population is less than here.y The world population is 7,066 billion ? no. This "official figure" is wrong ?Yes Because all deaths are not reported ? yes
What is the travelling time from Nkebi to Earth and back to Nkebi ? in earth days ? 100 YES 200 no150 125 110no ABOUT 100 How long is an Nkebi day and night in earth hours ? more than 24 ? 36no 30 yes 32 no 30 h 20 min + - 1min yes. Can Hubble confirm that ? no Hubble can measure the oxygen content in the atmosphere on planets in other galaxies yes, can Hubble confirm or correct the 30 % figure I found here for Nkebi ? yes
Once they send me a picture and I have found the star . yes The star Fevhuji has several planets ? yes 7 yes 10 yes 20no 15no 12n0 11 yes. Nkebi is from Fevhuji no. 3yes Nkebi has any moon ? no The winds are maximum 3 m/sec no more ?no 2m/s yes The water temp is 27 so there is some lot of rain ? YES Rainforest ? yes At the coasts ? yes A wide belt of rainforest at the coast ?no In the higher areas coast or no coast, there is rainforest, mixed with agriculture ? yes If there are deserts ? no. How high are the highest trees in this windless place ? 100m yes 150myes 200 m no 170m no Are these trees from Nkebi originally ? yes Did they bring any plants from earth ? yes Cereals, corn ? yes Did they make circles in the fields sometimes ? yes To say we have been here,if you had been more safe and friendly we would have stayed for a cup of coffee/tea ? YES. But most circles are fake ? yes 30 % maybe extraterrestial ? yes Its for their food on the 50 day journey home ? yes. If they have hair on the head ? no And sex organs plug and hole style ? yes Did they ever interfere with the evolution of the species of plants on earth ?yes They have planted some here ?yes And brought animals ? no Or changed the human evolution from the apes no So their influence on lifeforms here is limited to bringing a few plants ? yes 5 yes 10no 7no 6no. Any big trees ? no Small flowers and useful herbs ? yes Any wellknown flowers in Sweden? no Any herbs used as health supplement now ? no
The vision of Rael was a vision ? no
But the ET had hair ? no It was just on the film reconstruction ? Yes And he makes some lot of conclusions and additions in his phantasy ?yes Just to have something entertaining to say ? yes He saw real E T s from Nkebi ? yes But it´s a good idea to make Embassies where they can land and be positively welcomed to earth ? yes
Even if they will always land some other places ? NO
They will use these places in the future to land, and we will learn a lot from them, including space travelling and clean energy ? YES Rael is 180 cm no 170 yes 175 yes 176yes 177no
If Nkebis are learning Am. English ? Yes
How many can speak it really ? almost 100.
Do they have one language only ? Yes
Which language will be the only on earth ? English ? Yes
So it´s more like this language is taking over ? Yes (rather than a mix of diff. languages)
And it´s good for peace on earth ? Yes
Transportation on Nkebi is by air and by boat ? yes
Nothing else ? no Is it very flat and has canals everywhere ? half +
In most cities it has canals ? yes
And no wheels for transporting anything ?no
Bikes ?no But the Nkebians has to carry a lot then ? yes
Do they have "horses" ? no Ponies? yes But their Word for it is different?no (!)
Is the wheel consciously avoided ? half + Forbidden ? yes.
Since long time ? yes Cause of accidents and noice ?yes
But in the agriculture it is used ?no
The agriculture is done by hand ? yes For their peace of mind ? yes
How high is the highest mountain ? 1000 m yes 2000no 1500no 1250no1100no 1050no 1020 no 1010 yes
If they use money ? No
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