Since mid-November,2012, the gravesite has been surrounded with a blue tarpaulin and roads leading to the Arafat mausoleum were closed. Arafat is still widely revered in the Palestinian territories, and Palestinian officials said they don't want the process observed by media and others.
The new probe into his death began this summer, after a Swiss lab discovered traces of polonium-210, a deadly radioactive isotope, on clothes said to be his. The clothes were provided by Arafat's widow, Soha, and given to the lab by the Arab satellite TV station Al-Jazeera. Separately, Mrs. Arafat asked the French government to investigate, while the Palestinian Authority called in Russian experts.
Arafat's death has remained a mystery for many. While the immediate cause of death was a stroke, the underlying source of an illness he suffered in his final weeks has never been clear, leading to persistent conspiracy theories that he had cancer, AIDS or was poisoned.
Many in the Arab world believe Arafat, the face of the Palestinian independence struggle for four decades, was killed by Israel. Israel, which saw Arafat as an obstacle to peace, vehemently denies the charge.
There is no guarantee the exhumation will solve the mystery. Polonium-210 is known to rapidly decompose, and experts are divided over whether any remaining samples will be sufficient for testing
What did Arafat die from then ? yes
An illness leading to a stroke ? yes
Polonium causing that illness ? no
The polonium in his clothes was to little to do him any harm ? yes
He was poisioned by...? no
It was an infection that made him weak ? yes
A known virus ? no
But it has a name ? yes A blood infection ?no An airborn infection ? yes
For younger people it had been no problem ?no
Has a long name ?no
Arafat died from : Vadcs Is that the name of an illness ?yes If they search for it can the doctors find it in his body ?no In his wife ? no Other relatives ?no Anyone else I can search for around there ? yes Is there a good medicin for it ? yes Do I have to search for it ?no It´s known by doctors ? yes So if anyone there who has met him, feels ill infected he or she can test with a pendulum if they have Vadcs. yes
Clockwise means yes.
wtorek, 27 listopada 2012
Ebola spreads fear in Uganda
Ebola spreads fear in Uganda
It has a better cure than they are using now.
It´s an expensive medicin ? no
Ebola cure =Windikq
It will cure all. Is it a herb.
And it grows in Uganda.YES
How much to take ?yes Eat it ? yes 20 grams per day ?no
10 g /day yes 15g no Grams of fresh herb ? yes
It has a better cure than they are using now.
It´s an expensive medicin ? no
Ebola cure =Windikq
It will cure all. Is it a herb.
And it grows in Uganda.YES
How much to take ?yes Eat it ? yes 20 grams per day ?no
10 g /day yes 15g no Grams of fresh herb ? yes
piątek, 23 listopada 2012
Vomiting in Sweden now...Kräksjukan
Vomiting in Sweden now what to do ? Yes
Medicin exist ? yes
Find on the alphabet ? yesMot kräksjukan : Teluvan thats the whole name ? yes
What tea to breath in then ? no It´s a name of a medicin to take in form of tablets. Normal dose ? yes
Is it effective ? Yes
środa, 21 listopada 2012
Donations Welcome, write to if you like to pay or make a donation.
min. 20 euro.Kleine-Levins Sleeping Disorder
Is there an effective medicin for it ?yes
That is made for this disease ? no
So no one knows about that ? no
OK I´ll find the medicin.
= Psodpivan what is this medicin for normally ? constipation ? no
infection ? yes So the Kleine-Levin is an infection ? yes
But it does not spread in the air ?no
It is sexually transmitted, or otherwise with the blood ?yes
But it will be fully cured with this medicin anyway ? yes
Dose ? Normal dose for this medicin ?no More ? no
Half normal dose ?no less ? yes
For one month ?no one week yes 2weeks yes 3 weeks no
Nicole, 17, sover
- 60 dygn i sträck
Nicole Delien är trött på att sova.
Som mest har hon sovit största delen av dygnet – 64 dagar i streck.
Den ovanliga sjukdomen Kleine-Levins har gjort att hon missat både jul och sin egen födelsedag.
Nicole Delien, 17, från Iowa har sovit så mycket att hon är trött på att sova. Hon lider av den ovanliga sömnsjukdomen Kleine-Levins - eller Sleeping beuaty syndrom som engelska medier kallar den - en åkomma som får henne att under perioder sova 18 till 19 timmar per dygn. Hittills har hon som längst haft en sådan period i 64 dagar i streck.
– När hon vaknar befinner hon sig i ett trött "gå i sömnen"-läge och har ingen uppfattning om det som händer runtomkring, säger Nicoles mamma i ett tv-program som sänts i tv-stationen KDKA som familjen nyligen medverkade i.
Missat födelsedag
Nicole berättar i programmet att hon missat både sin födelsedag, jul- och thanksgiving-firande såväl som familjens första resa till Disney World till följd av sjukdomen.
Men när idolen Katy Perry fick höra om Nicoles sjukdom blev hon berörd.
– Jag fick komma in till hennes omklädningsrum efter hennes konsert som jag gick på, berättar Nicole i programmet.
wtorek, 6 listopada 2012
Eye infection Norway
Serious eye infection in Norway
Viruset smitter ved kontakt via fingre og ved hosting/nysing når man er forkjølet.. Det er svært smittsomt, heter det i pressemeldingen.
Det henstilles til at alle er nøye med sin handhygiene ved forkjølelse og øyeplager samt tar kontakt med lege hvis man mistenker å ha denne type øyeinfeksjon med adenovirus.
Is there a medicin for it ? yes Find it on the alphabet ? no Then it´s AZT ? Yes
It can be cured with Qrabbs as well (lower price) no No lower price medicine for it?no
Serious eye infection in Norway
Viruset smitter ved kontakt via fingre og ved hosting/nysing når man er forkjølet.. Det er svært smittsomt, heter det i pressemeldingen.
Det henstilles til at alle er nøye med sin handhygiene ved forkjølelse og øyeplager samt tar kontakt med lege hvis man mistenker å ha denne type øyeinfeksjon med adenovirus.
Is there a medicin for it ? yes Find it on the alphabet ? no Then it´s AZT ? Yes
It can be cured with Qrabbs as well (lower price) no No lower price medicine for it?no
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