środa, 24 maja 2017

Older than thought.

Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 12:23:56 +0200
Subject: Maharishi died at 108 years of age
30.107577, 78.280980 here lives the priest taking care of the Aaradhya temple books.
He looked at that already? yes

I still maintain that he died in protest of the present Auyrveda that could not really reverse the aging process. An enlightened yogi normally dies in mahasamadhi, is much more comfortable for him.
Isn't it true that Einstein institute of science and medicine in New York found my figure for expected lifespan with 40 mg of the medicine Aotoravastatina to be very close to the figure I sent them? by testing it on 1000 people for 2 years, only 47 died, compared to normally 240. Fom that is possible to calculate the expected averiage lifespan with this medicine to 870 years, I said 860 years. Well within the tolerances with these small figures. One more or less dead could change it by 20Y?
Now because of the many sidhagroups I have started the averiage lifespan increases very much, but not to 870 yet

sobota, 20 maja 2017

Cars weight limit down to 250 kg.

Some car makers have built prototypes of very light weight cars of Ponilak see below, 14 component light metal.I know they knew about this metal a couple of years..
Watch out for Honda electric 2 seater 110kg beside each other.

 Cadillac 254kg full size 5 seater 46hp
0,24 L / 10km = metric mil. Looks like Cadillac 1989. (A Beast) Well its the light weight and comfort and free fuel, and the price probably 50000€. And the name. They are going to make all cars like this now. It's a frameless car, Now with laminate of the lightweight distance 5mm. and the strong ponilac 0,75 mm both sides.  Nothing that can rust on a Cadillac from now.
Timing:In 4 months.

 Pontiac will make one .....  240 kg 34hp 0-100 km/h in 7 sek. 0,2L/ mil  ...  my figures.

Prins Charles of England has bought 6 H--units and sent PR to 26 car makers. From A to Z.
forgot any? Âstin . Its of course after Z. If it exist.yes  My neighbor 60y ago had one.

Austin Motor Company - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


The Austin Motor Company Limited fue un fabricante británico de vehículos de motor, fundada .... Loscoches de Austin, como los de Wolseley, eran vehículos de lujo. La lista de clientes incluía grandes duques de Rusia, princesas, obispos, 

OK they finished making cars, I suggest to them make H--units for cars in use.

Possibly diesel motors can go on 10% alcohol in the water?  it gives --10 degrees C freezing point.
If gasoline cars can use it also to lower freezing point?yes I am testing yes, but its for the factory to test out in actual practice.

czwartek, 11 maja 2017

21 times more Ah batteries. 2,6 times more effective solar power. Pat pending Hydrogen motor.

3 times effect lead battery alloy. Compared to Litium jon.With cheaper Litium free replacement alloy.80% of Litium effect. Patent pending.

Lead 76 %
Kalium 15%
Germanium 5%

Double solar power energy, Solar cell basics, materials only.
God knows how to put it together.
Natrium 80% Calcium 20%  in cell Cupper 21%  Barium 79%  diod

Patent Pending motor Hydrogen drive from China, I put some addition to it to make boost the efficiency from twice to 6 times the input energy, to make hydrogen from water. At low temperature,....