sobota, 24 sierpnia 2019

Search for our origin,

 I gave some coo in China for a spaceship landed 800000 years ago with

Swami Sangopadra <>

19:14 (för 2 mr sedan)

 the second ship with the first people who immigrated to this earth.Because of war on their own planet.

Swami Sangopadra <>

19:14 (för 2 mr sedan)

till info
Anything left of antimatter? 30 stacked plates of 1mm 1x4 feet.
10 metals total. only 3 have to be refilled, remelted.
45   12   59

Rh45  Mg12  Pr59
213g   4210g 40g     There is no press melting? No   Who innovated that?

close in a box of 2 mm Sn50=Tin it is. Put in ship again? yes  It's connected to 4,5 mm pipes.
Until it can fly? yes  Is 210 manhours. But there are no men there. Find in Mokba. Those who know they can.
make one hole on the upper side and pump out the water. Big enough to let air in.