to U N Climate conference
When you are 70 you will sit there and meditate, and you will think:
Why didn´t I learn this when I was 30.
To the government of Armenia
I am sorry to say that I have predicted a power plant explosion for your power plant in Armenia. If you mail back it will be easier to send more information of my other predictions, including for example 6 earthquakes/volcanic eruptions , which have happened already, to convince you to close down the p p. I understand it will be an economic problem to do so but it will certainly be worse if the predicted accident happens. My predictions come from pure consciousness which lies deep within everyone, but which can be trained by meditation to express itself.
Name : Sangopadra
The temperature is of course important but the mental atmosphere around
the earth is also very important. A few years from now there will be a big group
meditating together in India and it will create almost instant peace in the world and the crimes will be reduced by 27 %. Illness and accidents will also be reduced. Read more about it on
Around the millennium shift Maharishi Mahesh Yogi tried to inspire me to study
Particle physics at the university in Stockholm to find out how a perfectly safe nuclear power plant has to be constructed, but I thought it will be complicated and to much for me. But of course I would have made it if I had tried.
So now, before he died in January he said that a group of scientists have to come together to find out how a perfectly safe power plant has to be constructed.
This has some to do with the temperature in the world because when you think about reducing the greenhouse effect you might think nuclear power will be the thing to do, but it can cause worse problems also.
Originally about in 1998 I got this prediction: There will be 7 total meltdowns and mankind will be sterile for 200 years.
But now I have pointed out 4. One at lower Volga, one in Armenia, one (?) in Ukraina at the Black Sea, one at the railroad track from Denmark in northern Germany. And I have been writing a lot about it and sending it to Governments, so the prediction seems to have changed because of this, to 3 total meltdowns.
Hope you can contribute to reduce the risk further by contacting particle physiscists, give them a forewarning to think about it and then assemble them for a conference. Because this power plant will build on a new reaction… if you read again from… Around the millennium shift….
For this conference I recommend not so much myself but the closest men to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the Bramacharis Nankeshore or Br.Devendra or Satyanand.
Name : Sangopadra
Correction: 5 earthquakes and vulcanic eruptions, the number 6 is a number 5 on the Richterscale for Dominica, cap Roseau.
It was predicted well in advance because people often build their houses there on pillars, they omit building the first floor.
So they should have time to strengthen them.
To Aides conference
Ingen botas fron aides nar jag inte ar hemma i sverige, hur kommer det sig. Det är regeringen och Kungen som inte tycker dom ska botas, kan man tolerera deras uppfattning ? Jag har en djupare insikt att Aides borde botas så mycket som möjligt med nedanstående operation=värmekur
There was a lot of writing about sex and Aides.
In the beginning of the 1990:s I found a newspaper , Weekly Worldnews, a man had been cured from Aides with a heat treatement. He was connected to a heart lung machine and a heater for the blood and they sent (two doctors names I think were mentioned) a cooler loop through the head. The man had the final stages of Aides with carposis sarcoma, but all the same he was completely healed, says the newspaper. After that I sent around this to all the governments in the world, but i did not get any direct answers, except some on the telephatic level, and there was nothing contradicting it, it seemed to me that it had workded a few more times in Sweden because of my writings. I also could add some very important precautions, the first one is that you have to tell everybody, when you, or if you, spread this around, that when the scare of Aides diminishes, other diseases will spread more. Also an important discovery appeared maybe from some fantastic medicin man in Africa, it is possible to cure early stages with 39 degrees only and then it is possible to do it without any operation. If you can find out something about this please mail back to me!
I Sverige skickade jag den här metoden först till Carl Bildt, och efter ett tag försöker jag få kontakt med honom och han tänker att han sände det till Sahlgrenska Sjukhuset.
Sen brukade jag skicka ut det till polisen när dom hade våldtäkter med Aides, och jag fick positiva tankar från några kvinnor som hade blivit bra. Tidigare till fattigare länder hade jag uppmanat dom att pröva utan operation och värma dom i hett vatten under bedövning och bara kyla huvudet utifrån, men då fick jag ibland negativa starka upplevelser att dom hade dött, t ex såg jag en ung brun naken kvinna från Dominica som dom hade misslyckats med.En doktor gjorde behandlingen. Så nu rekommenderar jag inte den metoden, men jag står fast vid att 39 grader kan fungera vid tidig behandling. Men pga dessa svar anser jag att det är mycket säkert att metoden fungerar, för jag är lite klarsynt hade t ex förutsagt jordbävning i Stockholm och det blev en no 2 med centrum på Kungsholmen.
DOM som fått Aides genom dåliga vanor t ex droger skulle jag rekommendera att börja med meditation, då blir det lätt att sluta med sådant, men det är förstås bra för alla, att börja ett nytt liv. TM har blivit väldigt dyrt nu inom Europa, kanske i något fattigare land, eller någon annan slags meditation som inte bygger på koncentration eller ansträngning.
Hoppas jag får något konkret svar snart, om du blir bra så mejla till mig.
Please observera att när rädslan för Aides avtar så kommer andra sjukdomar att sprida sig mera, t ex en kraftig syfilis i Stockholm.
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