She is back home the 4 January 2011. She was found by cosmic pendulum dowsing by Sangopadra (faked name), and brought by Swedish police from Siddi Fares in Morocco the 28th of May 2010 to Sweden and stayed there until 3 January 2011 when her parents came to bring her home, and she missed Sweden!
But now and then she comes back there again. Book to come out soon: part 2, THE RETURN OF MADELEINE.
First period: Still missing
Second period: She never left home.
Third period:
The return of Madeleine
The happy end of McCann´s book was refused,
but here is the whole sensational
by Swami
English och Svenska a collection of cosmic
I've been looking for Madeleine McCann.
The little girl who was abducted from her parents when they were
in Portugal.
I've been looking at the internal level. By concentrating on her
while looking at the map of Morocco.
I was in southern Spain when they put up pictures of her everywhere.
I tested with a pendulum over the images but found that she was dead.
Not until there was a sighting of her in the news from Morocco,
then suddenly I tested her alive.
And then I tested the map of Morocco eventually.
I tested that she should be in Asni, then I zoomed in to the city but
found nothing, I gave up a week. But then when I tested a bit outside the city,
the pendulum gained speed over a small village.
I concluded that she must be in Sidi Fares.
A small mountain village 12 km east of Asni, and actually in a house
with white roof, 300meters east and 50 m
south of the s in Fares when looking at
a satellite image with the highest magnification. There is a bright area around
and south of the house now, the first time I watched it was more to the east,
so it must be cultivated land, plowing has changed the picture.
I rarely use the pendulum, and I am aware that it might prove wrong, but
it gives at least a deeper information, it is understood it moves from small
hand movements that come from the depths of consciousness. Funnily enough I try
Gerry McCann guilty at an early stage, and I write it to him: Gerry darling
....... etc...But I excuse him that perhaps he had missed a patient in heart
surgery. But now when I think of Madeleine, it is that he gave her pills that
she gets so tired of so she could not shout when someone abducted her. So I
think he be sentenced not to give her that stuff again, given the long
traumatic experience, it could be very disturbing for her.
I have solved two murders in the Caribbean from a distance, one in
St.Lucia and one in Dominica. (Without pendulum effect.)
I have also predicted a disk operation to the King of Sweden,
I know that what actually occurred. (He spreads so clearly not out
negative news about himself unnecessarily)
Ok this was automatic translation.
I have also had a telepathic contact with the Prime Minister when he was
in Linköping and I was in Spain,
He has it in their email. "We are in Linköping, waiting for the
gold plane with large similar wings."
Shortly after New Year =)
Madeleine again:
After concentrating all over the map, I had no picture of her, but
concentrated on my memory of how she looks on the so-called third eye inside
the forehead, so I get a couple of times in direct contact with her.
The first contact was a thought from her, "How am I going to find
my way home now"
Read more on mail below
2010 / 3/
I think M is certainly in or
around Asni Morocco. She is well and alive and has not committed any serious
crimes . I did not think it was possible but the pendulum gives a good clear
circle and that is what it means.
When my computer is repaired,
and you have paid it, I will continue to zoom in around Asni. Already from the
beginning I was thinking about some place down into Morocco. And probably in the countryside, Obviously DIFFICULT to
hide someone in an apartment. But also when I think of her I get more like the
countryside big house, no details.
to Investigation
Show details May 10
25 march 2010 a vision she got new eye. Like anyone else. Just 4 Eyes,
Before and After, no hair visible in the night. Probably just combed backwards
& the picture was dark.
(Maybe the hair was also dark-colored
Couple of days before I thought I
was thinking she had a patch over the eye. The woman said she got a stone in
the eye and it had to be operated.
I did not send this to McCann, instead I sent the below text to prepare
view details March 31
Her both eyes are still
functioning very well, to the updated picture I want to add her face is
still round and her eyes are still bigger than the face,.. from a vision
About the same time, a vision she will be a rich and happy girl when she
grows up. This is a stronger and better vision. Than the telepathic from a
meditating friend in Stockholm That she will be found dead in Morocco, it was
just a scarecrow to make me search. First I did not think it was possible and
secondly she had to study to a doctor and that is hard work, so for these two
reasons I did not care to search.
(This thought of her dead in Morocco is
still reoccurring, of course it means it will be one of the so many confusing
news articles about her. Long after she is found, they are still searching.
There are explanations for this.)
Name and place missing, Expecting
to get,(Aeeeee she maybe called)
best regards and stay at Good Hope
When she returns, with
the help of this, and it will be in the news I would like to remain anonymous.
I am one of Maharishis 200 000 sidhas, which together have the potential to
create peace and reduce crime in the world. See
Jag har letat
efter Madeleine McCann,
Den lilla flickan som
rövades bort från sina föräldrar när de var
i Portugal.
Jag har letat på det inre
planet. Genom att koncentrera mig på henne
och samtidigt leta på
kartan över Marocko.
Jag var i södra Spanien
när dom satt upp bilder på henne överallt.
Jag testade med en pendel
över bilderna men kom fram till att hon var död.
Inte förrän det var nån
sighting av henne i nyheterna från Marocko,
då testade jag henne
plötsligt levande.
Och sen testade jag på
kartan över Marocko så småningom.
Jag testade att hon borde
vara i Asni, sen zoomade jag in på staden men hittade ingenting, jag gav upp en
vecka. Men sen när jag testade lite utanför staden, blev det fart på pendeln
över en liten by.
Jag kom fram till att hon
måste vara i Sidi Fares.
En liten bergsby 12 km
öster om Asni, och faktiskt i ett hus med vitt tak som ligger 300 meter öster
och 50 m söder om s et i Fares när man tittar på satellitbilden med största
förstoringen. Det är ett ljust område runt och söder om huset nu, första gången
jag tittade låg det mera österut, så det måste vara brukad mark, plöjnigen har
ändrat bilden.
Jag använder sällan
pendel, och jag är medveten om att den kan kanske visa fel men att det ger alla
fall en djupare information, den sätts förstås igång av små handrörelser som
kommer från djupet av medvetandet. Lustigt nog testar jag Gerry McCann skyldig
på ett tidigt stadium, och jag skriver det till honom: Gerry
darling.......osv... Men jag ursäktar honom med att han kanske hade missat
någon patient i en hjärtoperation. Men nu när jag tänker med Madeleine så
kommer det att han gav henna tabletter som hon blir så trött av så hon kunde
inte ropa när någon förde bort henne. Så jag anser att i fortsättningen borde
han dömas att inte få ge henne sånt igen, med hänsyn till den långa traumatiska
upplevelsen, det kunde vara väldigt störande för henne.
Jag har löst 2 mord i
Västindien på avstånd, ett på St.Lucia och ett på Dominica. ( Utan
Jag har också förutsagt
en diskoperation för Kungen i Sverige,
som vad jag vet faktiskt
inträffade. (Han sprider så klart inte ut negativa nyheter om sig själv i
Jag har också haft en
telepatisk kontakt med statsministern när han var i Linköping och jag var i
Han har det på sina mail från mig. Vi är i Linköping och väntar på
guldplanet med stora liknande vingar.”
Strax efter nyår =)
Madeleine igen:
Efter allt koncentrerande över kartan, jag hade ingen bild på henne utan
koncentrerade mig på minnet av hur hon ser ut, på det s.k. tredje ögat innanför pannan, så får jag vid
ett par tillfällen direktkontakt med henne.
Den första kontakten var en tanke från henne,"How am I going to
find my way home now"
I think M is certainly in or
around Asni in Morocco.she is well and alive and has not committed any serious
crimes. I did not think it was possible but the pendulum gives a clear god
circle and that is what it means.
When my computer is repaired,
and you have paid it, I will continue to zoom in around Asni. Already from the
beginning I was thinking about some place inland bit down in Morocco. and
probably in the countryside, obviously difficult to hide someone in an apartment.
But also when I think with her I get no apartment more like the countryside big
house, no details.
to investigation
show details 10 May
25 march 2010 a vision she got new eyes. Like anyone else. Just 4 eyes,
before and after, no hair visible in the after. probably just combed backward
and the picture was dark.
(Kanske var håret mörkfärgat också ????!!)
Couple of days before I thought I was thinking
she had a patch over the eye. The woman said she got a stone in the eye and it
has to be operated.
ovanstående sänder jag inte till McCanns utan detta istället, för att
förbereda dom...
Mail to
visa information 31 mar
Yes both eyes are still functioning very well, to the updated picture I
want to add her face is still round and her eyes are still bigger than the
face, from a vision
About same time a vision she will be a rich and happy girl when she
grows up. This is stronger and better vision than the telephatic from a
meditating friend in Stockholm that she will be found dead in Morocco, it was
just a scarecrow to make me search. First I did not think it was possible and
also if found she has to study to a doctor and that is hard work, so for these
2 reasons I did not care to search.
Name and place missing, expecting
to get, (Aeeeee she maybe called)
best regards and stay at good hope
Hoppas dom inte kommer dit när hon är ute, kanske har hon 2 systrar och
en hund +
Om hon återvinnes med
hjälp av detta och det kommer i nyheterna så vill jag vara anonym. Jag är en av
Maharishis 200000 sk sidhas, som tillsammans har potentialen att skapa fred och
minska kriminalitet i Världen. Se
Skickat till regeringen.
Jag tror säkert polisen
ifrån Skärholmen (Sara Smedberg..) var i Marocko och hittade flickan där jag
Första som fick mej att
förstå att dom kommit rätt var en massa "Fucking style”Fucking guy"
bland mina tankar igår morse. 8.15 (På
morron den 28 maj)
Sen fick dom problem i
tullen från Marocko. Personbevis, fick bara åka till Spanien, Hotel (NO
visions). Sen gick det lättare, Tyskland inga problem (Där flög dom väl över)
nu är dom nog i Stockholm.
Hos Kungen och den andra
Madeleine skulle jag föreslå kommer hem ett tag.
Som lyxgisslan tills jag
får utlovad belöning.
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