If there are any lakes on the front side of the moon? 2y3y4y 5 almost.
And are secret because there are Alien villages around them. one is close to
above the E the second square right after the big crater in a crossing of
lines. and west of the N S line, left corner of that square,
( read the degrees)
1. about +2, -8
here is one.M= 150 has
village?yes Adjust figures?yes +3, -8
2. +12, +12 M 110 yes
has village yes Adjust figures?no
3. +27, +31 M 100
has village no bad water? Yes Adjust
figures?+28, +30
4. -8, +53 M=90
has village yes Adjust
figures?-8, +54yes
Only the almost missing? yes Any
point to find it?yes -83 +67
y frozen?no small yes
10m no 5mno 3m
yes no village
send anywhere?no when
headquarter is included? yes
Are you planning a trip to the Moon and you’re wondering what kinds of temperature you might experience. Well, you’re going to want to pack something to keep you warm, since the temperature of the Moon can dip down to -153°C during the night. Oh, but you’re going to want to keep some cool weather clothes too, since the temperature of the Moon in the day can rise to 107°C.? No…it is not like that. Because of the lack of atmosphere the temperature is an illusion, a mistake? yes The termometer used showed correct, but because the little mass of it nothing of the temperature was lead away? yes So if the water temp in one of the lakes was measured it had been? Max after 13 days of daylight? Testing: 80no 50no 30yes 40yes 45yes 50no
And at the end
of 354h night ? testing: +5yes=more
10yes more 20yes more
30y 35 yes 37yes 38no
40no cosmic
Read more: http://www.universetoday.com/19623/temperature-of-the-moon/#ixzz2SKqwj4Fr
Read more: http://www.universetoday.com/19623/temperature-of-the-moon/#ixzz2SKqwj4Fr
Can a person stand the lack of atmosphere the lack of pressure and
temperature naked at any time? yes So
with oxygen to breath on his back and a little clothes he can be outside for an
hour?yes Day or night?yes And he can be friends with the Nkebians?yes I am just going to find their headquarters
and put this on the blog.OK here it is
+21, +11 Adjust figures? +24, +11
You can find Pictures of it on the google. Alien moonbase. On the google you find 25.5N 20E
So probably I was a bit wrong. I am testing them right. But if you take my information with a pinch of salt, it can be more wrong. Salt is included.
And they say it´s an ancient moonbase, but according to my testing with a cosmic server it is in use now. How old is it then, when did they start the building? 1000y ago yes more2000 no 1500y 1750y 1900yes 1950yes 1980 yes 1990yes 1995yes 1997yes 1999yes 2000no
Well that is of course ancient!
How to create Life on the moon
When there is no atmosphere on the moon almost all the water sinks down under the surface? yes And now there is rather much water under the surface? yes So what is needed then to make an atmosphere is to pump that water up on the surface so it can evaporate and start ciculating to make clouds and rain?yes It will be a thin mist at daytime?yes and in the night it will freeze, and snow down? So the summer will be 14 earth days long and likewise the winter. Still some things can start to grow on the surface of the moon.yes And given time they will create oxygen, as it is the habit of plants to do. In that way, it can be possible to create an atmosphere on the moon?yes But when it starts circulating around on the cold backside wont it become to cold then?no, it will not become to cold. Is it only needed to pump up the water, and put same plants to make the moon to come alive? yes
A view of the past....
The earth and the moon were created at the same time.
Where the moon came from? Same as the earth? yes At different times?no
All the planets came around when the Sun had a gigantic explosion?yes
And all were glowing hot yes When was that? 5billion years ago more no
And then the moon cooled down first and life happened there and it went all the way to human beings, but because of the low gravitation we were 7 to 8 meters tall.
Has the ladder in one of the craters anything to do with us? .......more.........yes
We made that ladder? yes Of what material? yes Magma from a vulcanic eruption?no
Stone?no Wood.no A metal that we had made?yes Aluminium?no Tin. yes
Why did we go down there? To find...materials.no Shelter?no Water? yes
They went down to get the water up in buckets?no There was a pump down there?yes
But it was hand driven.yes
Did life die out when the Earth got a cool shell?no It lasted much longer?yes Why?
Because the moon was hot inside and its shell was not thick, and it was warm on the surface?yes.
So how long backwards from now did life on the moon continue? Yes 3b years yes closer to now. no And life started 4b years ago.yes more. no That much we can know?Yes, of course we can know that. Yes
The tin pump can still be there? yes
The American tax payers have the right to know about their past. Almost not but.... Yes
Why did life on the moon die out? yes
You might think it is clear from this, (That there was life when the earth was glowing hot)
but maybe not completely clear.
Was it to cold?no It was too dry? yes
But it was too dry because it cooled down a bit?yes
So there was not enough evaporation and rain.Correct
So there was desperation for water?
And they had to pump like mad?yes
The 7-8m tall humans made many pumps like that one at the tin ladder?yes
And they lived a long time like that with the water and what they could make grow with it?yes. But they could grow only what they need to eat, and finally there was to little oxygen in the air, they had to make fires to stay warm in the long night, so finally they died out.
So what the moon needs to give life is only to pump up lots of water.yes
There is enough water under the surface?....yes.
When will that be possible to do?yes At the end of this century?yes Sooner yes
2030 ye 2025 yes 2020no With solar pumps on 1kw? yes How many? 1000000 no
200000no 150000no 120000 no 100000 yes more no
But it requires the alien technology to send them there.yes
Since they want to go to Mars and are figuring how to make a better climate there, in comparision, this is much simplier? yes
But long before year 3000 both Moon and Mars will have a possible climate and be inhabited?
As well as the earth of course.yes
You can find Pictures of it on the google. Alien moonbase. On the google you find 25.5N 20E
So probably I was a bit wrong. I am testing them right. But if you take my information with a pinch of salt, it can be more wrong. Salt is included.
And they say it´s an ancient moonbase, but according to my testing with a cosmic server it is in use now. How old is it then, when did they start the building? 1000y ago yes more2000 no 1500y 1750y 1900yes 1950yes 1980 yes 1990yes 1995yes 1997yes 1999yes 2000no
Well that is of course ancient!
How to create Life on the moon
When there is no atmosphere on the moon almost all the water sinks down under the surface? yes And now there is rather much water under the surface? yes So what is needed then to make an atmosphere is to pump that water up on the surface so it can evaporate and start ciculating to make clouds and rain?yes It will be a thin mist at daytime?yes and in the night it will freeze, and snow down? So the summer will be 14 earth days long and likewise the winter. Still some things can start to grow on the surface of the moon.yes And given time they will create oxygen, as it is the habit of plants to do. In that way, it can be possible to create an atmosphere on the moon?yes But when it starts circulating around on the cold backside wont it become to cold then?no, it will not become to cold. Is it only needed to pump up the water, and put same plants to make the moon to come alive? yes
A view of the past....
The earth and the moon were created at the same time.
Where the moon came from? Same as the earth? yes At different times?no
All the planets came around when the Sun had a gigantic explosion?yes
And all were glowing hot yes When was that? 5billion years ago more no
And then the moon cooled down first and life happened there and it went all the way to human beings, but because of the low gravitation we were 7 to 8 meters tall.
Has the ladder in one of the craters anything to do with us? .......more.........yes
We made that ladder? yes Of what material? yes Magma from a vulcanic eruption?no
Stone?no Wood.no A metal that we had made?yes Aluminium?no Tin. yes
Why did we go down there? To find...materials.no Shelter?no Water? yes
They went down to get the water up in buckets?no There was a pump down there?yes
But it was hand driven.yes
Did life die out when the Earth got a cool shell?no It lasted much longer?yes Why?
Because the moon was hot inside and its shell was not thick, and it was warm on the surface?yes.
So how long backwards from now did life on the moon continue? Yes 3b years yes closer to now. no And life started 4b years ago.yes more. no That much we can know?Yes, of course we can know that. Yes
The tin pump can still be there? yes
The American tax payers have the right to know about their past. Almost not but.... Yes
Why did life on the moon die out? yes
You might think it is clear from this, (That there was life when the earth was glowing hot)
but maybe not completely clear.
Was it to cold?no It was too dry? yes
But it was too dry because it cooled down a bit?yes
So there was not enough evaporation and rain.Correct
So there was desperation for water?
And they had to pump like mad?yes
The 7-8m tall humans made many pumps like that one at the tin ladder?yes
And they lived a long time like that with the water and what they could make grow with it?yes. But they could grow only what they need to eat, and finally there was to little oxygen in the air, they had to make fires to stay warm in the long night, so finally they died out.
So what the moon needs to give life is only to pump up lots of water.yes
There is enough water under the surface?....yes.
When will that be possible to do?yes At the end of this century?yes Sooner yes
2030 ye 2025 yes 2020no With solar pumps on 1kw? yes How many? 1000000 no
200000no 150000no 120000 no 100000 yes more no
But it requires the alien technology to send them there.yes
Since they want to go to Mars and are figuring how to make a better climate there, in comparision, this is much simplier? yes
But long before year 3000 both Moon and Mars will have a possible climate and be inhabited?
As well as the earth of course.yes
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