sobota, 31 października 2015

Cosmic Doctor does not neglect the world.

Crime in Malaga Nerja 32% less than 2014

Stockholm 35%  like 390 sidhas in Stockholm.

But the closest big sidhagroup is in Moscow where it is 90% les crimes. From 7568 sidhas.

Kansas has a sidhagroup of 6567 sidhas 20151030 morning and the state has 87% les crimes.

Salina 95%   Kansas City 89%

India sidhagroup is 8674 sidhas less crimes in India is 45%   Dehli 67%  Pondicherry 59%
There is a sidha group there? Yes of 780 sidhas in pondy no In Chennai yes.

China sidhagroup has now 9890 sidhas no 9895 people practising TM sidhi program 2 times every day.yes China has 23% less crimes. Why not more? Most sidhas are new. Yes

Australia has no gov supported sidhas yet?no but 12% less crimes. Borneo 12% les crimes. South America 23%

Has its biggest sidhagroup in Brasil, 560 sidhas. Support it.yes

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