środa, 10 lipca 2013

Alien instructions. Pilot text. Poni outside Madrid.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnSGE_plJVM&feature=player_detailpage Alien pilot instructions. put on blog

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=n7Jx5S5aqNM Poni at Madrid

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqlUMNkB3W4   3 ponis at Madrid

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwX_OWkx8Og&feature=player_detailpage moving alien, live.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MR0UHkyoNc           Alien flying in Nepal

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poOUxR_HW0U&feature=player_detailpage area S4
most secret area. Stored remains of Roswell crash, and more crashes of UFOs. Very detailed description.
20 Alien ships are given to us. Have bases in USA Russia China and Mexico. From studying the alienships, we have this:
A substance on the periodical system no. 115, when it goes to become 116, it radiates anti-matter
antiprotons, these are not dangerous. And the antimatter has antigravitation also. Antimatter is rather well known, but in popular science texts before, they said it annihilates ordinary matter. Well that is not very likely to happen, because now we have found out it repells matter. And the human body can be trained to produce antimatter?yes

First line, Alien pilot instructions

wcihhihcle = vehicle 2horizontal lines over each other and a point between them.

.ready monophase flight.

.right. sign for vehicle leaning to right and a line above leaning to right

.grueå perspective. a hook with a point over and under it

.and. U CAN follow the signs on the first film.


.yöwaba. cer = lock



.if u did not understand. xxxxxx (the small signs on a line by itself to the right is a bit difficult, skip them)


. if u understand . .still faster. .low perspective.

.perspective. . high. x.x.x.x.x.


.right. (vehicle sign leaning to the right and a line over it leaning to the right.)

.door. .and. .look. . low perspective. .for people.

.na, not apply.

.slow rotation. .take. .first of all. .perspective.

.high. ( 2 wide u´s over each other and dots below and over the lower one)

!SACOA! careful! .don´t look. .and.


.if u understand. . low perspective. .little higher perspective. .perspective. .horizontal. .and. .don´t look. .take. .if u understand. .please understand well. .look. .in low perspective, rotating. .for people.


.vampyras. .and. .door.

.look. .don´t loook. .for people. .don´t apply,there is no. .danger. .no. .warning. .look.

.plky no finish for today? yes xxxx



Are the ships over Madrid in February real?yes

Are they flewn by humans? yes only no

They have got an alien instructor? yes

Where are they based?yes Russia yes

It was just a peaceful demonstration? yes

Who was taking the film?yes A private person from Madrid?yes

On agreement with the riders of the ship? no

He knew nothing before these ships appeared?no

Did any in the ship know they will be on film before they went there yes

The alien knew that?no There was a psychic person from earth on it? yes

So we from earth can learn high speed flights now?yes

That´s why they went from America to Russia?yes

They had an Alien there who was going to instruct them. yes

"And after 2 minutes we were in Moscow". from-----

So it is not so important to translate now. yes

It is still important.yes Because they will say it is right? yes

It is good to get some in the news about this peaceful meeting and collaboration between Alien and Human?YES

send to The Guardian.

poniedziałek, 8 lipca 2013

Silver add Lantanium

Add 0,1 - 8 %  Lantanium to keep silver from oxidizing.

It will Always remain clean shining Silver.

czwartek, 4 lipca 2013


The strongest metal 235 Kp/mm2 Strongium

Number of elements 7

OK 7 metals.

26 Fe 87%

29 Cu Cupper 6%

30Zn Zink 3%

42 Mo 1,7

24 Cr krom 1,2

70 Yb Ytterbium 0,7

23 V Vanadin 0,4 That´s all?yes more decimals needed no

wtorek, 2 lipca 2013

White Gold.

White gold, platinum.

3 metals

Titanium     melting 1668C    95 %

Tin Sn 50         505 C                4 %

Aluminium    660,33 C             1 %

Decimals needed no

This will resemble white gold yes

But it is not platinum no White gold is often Gold and Silver.

A Black Metal,

made of 4 metals

Gallium Ga 31 13%

Niobium Ni 41 60%

Cerium Ce 58 25%

Californium Cf 98 2% Any decimals needed? no

An alloy of these can make a black metal?  yes

Can it be handled by hand?yes

But it will be radioactive?no (Calfornium is radioactive by itself no. It is a special variety of it, 252 yes)

Can it be used as a ring on the finger for long time use? yes

Is a rather strong metal? yes  For bicycle spokes?  no

put on blog yes