środa, 24 października 2018

10 car makers goes all electric.

Lancia   Cadillac   Toyota   Renault   Peugeot   Volkswagen  Maserati, Chevrolet  Lal= joke  all
Chevy only. yes next Pontiac,  Jaguar, Ford. before years end they are for sale, test samples, no new.yes

The formula is HG  FC  EM  hydrogen generator  fuel cells  electric motor.

In all 200 cars tested for 1 month 8h a day.

To refill is only water.

I don't know if I got them in the right order, no

1 Lancia   2 Toyota  3 Cadillac   4 Volkswagen .....

środa, 17 października 2018

X-ray free of bad radiation

Based on ....under patent invention... made by,........... Sweden. Well you will know more later, but I feel the tests are going on well, and also the picture is better.

piątek, 5 października 2018

An old film

Did you see the film where an experimental scientist was working with his test tubes in his laboratory, and suddenly had an explosion? When he woke up there was a slimy substance stickin on everything around. He made a ball of it and let it fall to the floor. Everytime it hit the floor it bounced higher than before. Then he test it outside a rather high building. people from inside their windows were schocked and amazed to see this supernatural phenomenon going on outside their windows, on an ordinary working day....... At the end of the film he flyes peacefully in his T-Ford around high up the Eiffel tower in Paris. It was of course antimatter he accidentally had discovered. I all my life since seeing that film I thought of rediscovering this material.
Here is the ball anyway. < 1     11    211   18>    211=< 13     54>
                                           3dl 20g  12g  2,7dl                10g  20g   fill all in a ball of 2,7 dl   about a tennis ball.

Safe car

The motor and drive at the back, the front including the wheels is a compression zone.
It will save 44% of deadly accidents. Including a few accidents in the curves when the back drive is pushing you off road. Cars with instant zero G antimatter schock protection
can have the motor where it is. It will reduce the deadly accidents to almost 0.