niedziela, 11 lipca 2021

Egyptiska Museet Kairo

Marble for 1000 stones 62.00 x 62.00 cm thickness 40mm. Rh 45 7g Ca20 400kg add 20kg when no copy appears (per 20 stones) Sc21 500kg Pr59 40kg add 4kg per 300 stones all 0.01mm granulate copy a plug of real marble measurements as above. Position 1 20 min position 2 45 min Box of metal iron non galvanized. 3mm composite Millement: Ca20 600kg for 4000kg Millement Tc43 70kg Pr59 no?? other do something amount is up to you? si You have lernt it? si And the other component you Ce58 V23 In49 Cr24 to 100kg add 2L water mix dry 1 and 2 then add water. All is 0,01mm granulateYou first mix No.1 and component 2 yes separate it can be stored dry for 5months. This is to make a flat surface under the marble stones, stones can be added to save material.This will be very hard and it will be difficult to remove anything that was made wrong. It will last 12000years, but the marble will stay to 20000years over it. The illness brain tumor I have discovered it is very often psykosomatical, and that is when someone is very evil, maybe especially to more developed people. And for Kairo you have to check if i am right that the rate of this illness is 40% more than other places. I found out in a book about some 4 people entering and taking objects from the 3rd pyramid, Chefren (right?) And they all got cancer and died. And there are many cases known to me here in S Spain. People steal everything from me and they seem to get ill and die. They are from TM Transcendental Meditation. It would be intersting to make copies of the artifacts found in the Pyramids and put them back to see if the number of bt cases will reduce. Because the only reason for this higher number of bt cases in Karo with my cosmic testing I find is that the Faraones get upset with the disappearance of their belongings. Copies only need to be put back and need not be of real gold either. Why? Because the originals were not of real gold. It was gold bought in China and everyone thought it was real even those who made it. Now I have discovered a way to copy anything atom by atom but very fast. Just wondering where to send it. Maybe you answer. copy test size materials in granulate form 0,02 mm no more. Ca20 100g Sg106 10g V23 9g I 53 1g RN61 20g Pm61 probably Yb70 9g This is mixed and put in the bottom of a box 36 by 36 cm hight inside 20cm box of wood inside plywood OK glass window on top? not OK. plastic no polycarbonato, usually 1mm is OK. put the object in one position then close box and wait 6min then move object to be copied to other position. The new object will appear beside it in what was the first position, the middle of the box. With few cm distance to first position. = Make a sledge of some slim wood pieces. one in the middle to stear it. And pull it there with a slim ropem going to the outside. 98% tightness of this box is OK. can be a crank on the outside to get more even speed on the moving object. The sledge is 24cm wide and ca 30 long. To make more, change out CA20 and YB70 only 100g and 9g added. This will copy rather much material, the main weight comes from the unified field."The other side" What will we steal there will it annoi Ask Ford motor company. I have more, some elements to add for darker stones, Egyptian balm, joint filler for the pyramids, watertight. You can send me a copy for my friend Anneli Sanchez Calle Algeciras Spain Send okolli give a kolli por me amigo killopoi Tutanoi. when deep in mind in position mood. Can u use lotteryno. Euromillon? 1 12 24 36 45 - - *7 *4 fachadas next Monaday NO its for monday after.18Jan The smaller pyramid will get a door from Russia I sent them how to make the glass- It's incredibly strong. Estimate ready in 7 days. Then you can contact with dimensions. 4mm x as strong as 30 mm ordinary glass. Test pieces for tourists. How to understand how they built the pyramids. The stones with bamboo floats were sent by the usual mail, the Nile and its water all the way up to the pyramid's "roof" where there was a basin, and the stone could be pulled to the right place immediately.They had big circular saws I was reading about a mark of it in one of the stones in the 2nd pyramid. There are harder metals than diamond, coming on anyway. Read my blog about proof of the Pharaohs' existence or you tell them. . The top of the great pyramid was made of granit, 3m from the imagined top measured along the side. The top of that was cut off leaving a 20x20cm flat square. What was it used for? =Nothing...nothing never anything. But apiece was cut off yes. It is some other place? yes in Egypt? No. In ......................Greece! 37.717173, 24.062424 here. It was used for buying a necklace for the King and he gave it to Queen. <

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